In she goes!
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Well you can't beat this for both pure genius & determination!
Chris Felton's garage lacked a little height but that wasn't enough to deter this guy from Go-Podding! Here's what he says:
"Hi Phill,
Thought I'd send you a couple of pics showing how I managed to fit it my Go-Pod in the garage.
Stored nice and dry since early October and not due to be let out until April.
A set of 8 inch wheels was the answer and with the aid of a hydraulic troley jack and an air powered wheel wrench I can have them changed in about 15 minutes.
I'm going to try to get in the habit of putting it away each time as it's pretty easy to just roll in and I can keep it out of the weather.
In fact I find myself in the garage polishing it from time to time!
Hope you're well. Chris."