Referrals & Rewards Programme
If you own a Go-Pod and bought it from us either new or pre-owned, you are invited to join our Referrals & Rewards Programme.
Over 100 owners nationwide & abroad already show their Go-Pods to new customers & earn rewards.
For many people, travelling to our head office in Lancashire is quite a long journey, so viewing more locally is a welcome option. But apart from that, they'll benefit from hearing your experiences of buying & using the product too.
Once joined, you will receive a viewings guide and some referral cards by post. Only your first name & the first part of your postcode will appear on the locations map of this website. And you'll be allocated a email address that forwards requests to your personal email address, maintaining your privacy.
When you receive a request, you can simply reply, to arrange a mutually convenient time for them to call. Please let us know once arranged.
Viewings take around an hour on average and there is no obligation. Please just let us know if you are unavailable and we'll make alternative arrangements for the customer.
Customers are informed that this service is offered by non-obligated volunteers and as a courtesy.
Should a customer proceed to order after viewing, you'll receive one Go-Pod Credit that can be exchanged for some great Go-Pod & camping items. And you can either claim your thank you gift right away or let the credits build, for an even nicer gift.
We're adding more Rewards as we go - so they'll always be something new for you to choose.
See the full range of owner rewards - click here - members only please.
And if you have any reward suggestions, please let us know!
Please note: credits are not transferable or exchangeable for cash.
Terms & Conditions: Privately purchased or Go-Pods bought from other caravan dealerships are excluded from joining. By joining you agree to abide by the rules of conduct for the Referrals & Rewards Programme which includes copying [email protected] in to all correspondence. On joining you are entering in to a Non-Compete Agreement in which you are not permitted to offer your own Go-Pod for private sale. Persons contacting you via the programme are considered customers of Red Lion Caravans Ltd and the selling of any caravan or camping related item to them will be viewed as poaching clients & in breach of this NCA. Should such a breach come to light, then an invoice in respect of loss of earnings will be issued & persued. Owners are not expected to allow people to move or test drive their Go-Pods & we recommend that you advise viewers that doing so, may invalidate your insurance. Please supervise all viewings at all times as Red Lion Caravans Ltd., cannot accept liability for accidents, loss or damage as a result of a viewing appointment.