Thank you for joining
Welcome to our network of owner viewers.
Here's what happens next;
Firstly we check to ensure that other owners on the programme are not too close. If there is someone close by, we'll still send you the Viewing Pack but will not add you to the website map until an opening becomes free.
Once fully on the programme, you will be allocated your own email address, which will forward viewing requests to your normal email address. This protects your identity and will be added to the Go-Pod website map. There is no set up required and a test email will be sent. Please reply to the test email & should you find it in your spam folder, please mark as 'not junk'.
We will add the first part of your postcode and your first name to the website map. No other personal details will be made public & you're home won't be pin-pointed on the map.
We will send you an Viewing Pack by post, within approximately 10 days.
When somebody wishes to view your Go-Pod, they will email you direct via your email address. You should then arrange a mutually convenient viewing time direct with the customer.
Please remember to copy in [email protected] to all correspondence.
If you are unable to handle a viewing, please contact us at [email protected] as soon as possible, so that an alternative arrangement can be made.
Upon joining, you are entering in to a legal Non-Compete Agreement in which you are not permitted to offer your own Go-Pod for private sale. Persons contacting you via the programme are considered customers of Red Lion Caravans Ltd and the selling of any caravan or camping related item to them, will be viewed as poaching of clients & in breach of this NCA. Should such a breach come to light, then an invoice in respect of loss of earnings will be issued & persued.
Owners are not expected to allow people to move or test drive their Go-Pods & we recommend that you advise viewers that doing so, may invalidate your insurance. Please supervise all viewings at all times as Red Lion Caravans Ltd., cannot accept liability for accidents, loss or damage as a result of a viewing appointment.
Should you decide to sell your Go-Pod or leave the programme, please contact us as soon as possible. We can also provide a buy back offer if required.
Our Owner Viewers offer a great service to new customers and we hope that you enjoy the rewards on offer.