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  1. All Standard, PLUS & Platinum model Go-Pods come with an on-board leisure battery within the price. The leisure battery can run the majority of your Go-Pods electrics when you're camping off of mains hook up.

    You may be wondering how to charge the battery, to ensure it's ready for when you need it, so here's an overview of how this can be done.

    The fastest way to charge is by plugging your Go-Pod in to mains electric. Either while away at a campsite on mains hook up or at home using a connector in conjunction with your mains cable, to charge from a standard 3-pin 240V socket. Simply plug the adaptor in your wall socket and home at run the other end to your caravan.

    The red rocker switch on the control panel marked 'Charger Supply' should be set to the 'ON' position. Check the video for more info on the control panel.


    3 PIN TO MAINS HOOK UP ADAPTOR -  25m Cable -

    Another way to charge the battery is while you're driving along. Having 13 pin Euro socket connection or twin electrics will enable this.

    The final way is to opt for a solar panel from the accessories page and this will trickle charge your battery whenever there is daylight available. The whole operation is automatic and this offers the added benefit of keeping your battery in tip top condition, helping to extend it's lifespan.

    For more on the benefits of solar panels, check our earlier Go-Pod blogs.