Larger Toilet Upgrade
- Ideal for those with weak knees or back issues
- £15.00
Shop Go-Pod > 5. Go-Pod accessories
If you consider that the standard toilet is just too low at 30cm, we can upgrade your Go-Pods camping toilet to a larger version that raisies it by almost 10cm, (4"), making it considerably easier and more comfortable to use.
Use your loo in the privacy of your Go-Pod, within the sectioned off area of your awning or in a Khyam Toilet / Utility Tent.
General operation video.
Weight: under 1Kg. (Compared to regular version).
Price includes modifying toilet cupboard cavity and adding the larger version toilet.
Please note that this is a factory fitted option only and not available for fitting retrospectively.
Toilet dimensions: Width = 36cm. Depth = 43.5cm. Height = 39.2cm.
Capacities: Top resevoir 15L. Lower resevoir 20L.